Watch a brief Grand Opening highlight video
Virtual walk through the finished Garden
At the Holocaust Garden of Hope at King’s Harbor in Kingwood, Texas, we use painting, sculpture, music, physical structures, and creative educational tools to illustrate the experiences of children during the Holocaust in Nazi ghettos and concentration camps around Europe. Children and adults are being inspired to stand up for what is right and honor the memories of innocent victims with a life dedicated to healing and reconciliation.

You can support HRA18’s vision for the Holocaust Garden of Hope by partnering with us financially to complete this project. All donations are tax-deductible and will help us ensure that the innocent lives of Jewish children lost in the Holocaust are never forgotten. Please join us in honoring their memories and inspiring a new generation to be Upstanders against bigotry and persecution.
This one-of-a-kind children’s memorial garden features eight pocket exhibits, each focusing on a specific aspect of the Holocaust. This beautiful series of art exhibits and plantings is enhanced with personal stories told by people who experienced the Holocaust as children or young adults. The garden connects these unique stories to Hebrew Scriptures from the Tanakh, which is the foundation of the Bible.
More specific curricular materials for various grade levels are available on the website for classroom or personal education. Click the Exhibit number, below and choose Resources.
Garden of Hope

Rescuers & Upstanders
The Impact of Liberation – Survivors & Veterans
Explore the exhibits virtually by clicking on sections of the Holocaust Garden of Hope map or by exploring each exhibit below!
Figures for various people groups, especially with regard victims of the Holocaust or related persecution are taken from leading academic institutions and/or researchers. If new and academically viable research emerges, HRA18 will make every effort to update its website accordingly. All figures on the websites are correct at the time of the writing.