August Blog

August Blog

August, 2024, Dr. Susanna Kokkonen August is a month named for good tidings. Many positive words, such as “respected” or “illustrious” are related to “august”. But this August has been a difficult month with a lot of fears and...
Making Aliyah

Making Aliyah

Fran Morris A dream, hope, faith, acting on that faith, fighting to keep that faith and hope alive, and accepting the consequences of defeat. This is my lesson, as I read, hear, or view the filmed account of the desperate flight from murderous persecution to freedom...
Miranda Ruzinsky

Miranda Ruzinsky

Double major Spanish and history Hope for Humanity We stood there. About 15 people were in the tour group, spaced out about 6 feet apart from each other because of the social distancing norms and consideration for our fellow Houstonians. The tour guide continues on...