Holocaust Survivor Forgives, and Remembers

Holocaust Survivor Forgives, and Remembers

Kingwood, TX – On a Sunday morning at Kingwood Bible Church, Holocaust survivors Ruth and Larry Steinfeld shared their remarkable stories of escaping death in Nazi Germany. Their stories of tragedy and survival gave church members a greater sense of purpose in...
Happy Passover!

Happy Passover!

As the Passover season draws near, we want to wish our Jewish friends Chag Sameach, and our Christian friends Happy Easter. May you and your loved ones be blessed in this time as you celebrate God’s mercy and redemption. As was commanded, we are to teach our...
Finding Hope in the Diary of Anne Frank

Finding Hope in the Diary of Anne Frank

Last evening my wife and I attended the A.D. Players presentation of the Diary of Anne Frank. It was a dramatic, and at times intense, portrayal of the lives of eight Jews, who for two years were confined to a few small rooms while hiding from Nazi persecution in the...
Pastors Council Raises Awareness for March of Remembrance

Pastors Council Raises Awareness for March of Remembrance

Over 200 Christian leaders, including pastors from many Christian denominations, gathered at a luncheon on January 30th to discuss issues within their organizations and communities, and to raise awareness of the upcoming Third Annual Holocaust March of...
A Re-awakening

A Re-awakening

Like so many people, I had become apathetic about the Holocaust. But, going and hearing the powerful stories caused a re-awakening in me. The Holocaust is one of the most significant events in history and being able to hear stories associated with the event (from both...
2013 March of Remembrance Houston Recap

2013 March of Remembrance Houston Recap

What We Did The image below is a map of the where the participants came from color coded by each location. (This only includes those who  1. Filled out a registration card and 2. entered their zip code on the form . . . if you didn’t do either . . ....