Claudia Kiesinger’s paternal grandfather was an ardent Nazi and follower of Adolf Hitler. This enthusiasm and example remained with him even after the end of the war.
Out of a growing desire to know more about this dark cloud that hung over her family’s past, Claudia took part in the first March of Life, a memorial march at historic locations of the Holocaust,in 2007. Three hundred fifty participants from 14 nations walked over 200 miles from Bisingen, a concentration camp near Tuebingen in southwest Germany, to Dachau,in upper Bavaria. The route recreated the final death-march of the Jews imprisoned in those camps. At the end of the war, the Jews were led to their deaths, starving and cold, in a final desperate effort by the Nazis to hide the human evidence of their evil deeds. The march made Claudia’s connection to the Holocaust into a personal commitment.
Claudia lives in New York City where she organizes prayer groups at the United Nations to pray for the sake of Israel.