In Kingwood, On Saturday April 21st the sound of hundreds of footsteps stamped out the silence of indifference Hosted by Msgr. Borski of St. Martha’s Catholic Church, with opening ceremony at KIngwood United Methodist Church and coordinated by Pastor Rod Bryant of Calvary Christian Fellowship Church,along with a team from The Crossover Project.


Every Spring, the Jewish people commemorate the 6 million lives lost and the atrocities committed against their people during the holocaust on a day called Yom HaShoah, which translated means Holocaust Day. This has been a relatively quiet event that many outside of the Jewish community are unaware of.

The Walk of Remembrance provides an opportunity for people worldwide to publicly demonstrate their respect for the Jewish people and their right to exist as a nation. Throughout their long history, the Jewish people have repeatedly been threatened with annihilation from their various enemies, with no logical justification, other than that they were Jewish.
There are still 175,000 Holocaust survivors in the United States. Until today, both they and their descendants are still living under the shadow of the Holocaust. Every one of them is a living testimony of what it means for a nations to be caught under a veil of shame and silence. Remembering together with them and honoring them touches the heart of God. Hearing their stories teaches us for the future. Standing with them in steadfast friendship to Israel and taking a stand against anti-Jewish attitudes, the down-playing of the Holocaust, and modern anti-Semitism opens the floodgates of Heaven’s blessings.

Statistics say that 15% of the American population harbor anti-Semitic attitudes. A high percentage thinks that Israel’s crisis is self-inflicted. National socialist associations, Muslim brotherhoods and secular humanistic mindsets create an anti-Israeli picture.

During the past few years, the March of Life movement has mobilized and set into motion tens of thousands in their confession to stand with Israel in more than ten nations. If the church in Germany had taken to the streets during the Nazi era, Auschwitz would not have happened. If they had broken their silence and overcome their shame, the Holocaust would not have been possible.

Most of humanity has stood by silently, either oblivious, or indifferent to the plight of the Jewish people, or unwilling to risk taking a stand in their defense.

Let us overcome our shame with the March of Life, and as churches and congregations in the spirit of the Sons of Zion, let us manifest the promise found in Isaiah 60:1 over America: “Arise – and shine!”

Join us and break the silence. If this is a stand and proclamation that you desire to make, please join us in Kingwood on Saturday April 21st and let the sound of your footsteps stamp out the silence of indifference and self preservation that has occurred throughout the centuries. Walk in solidarity for the Jewish people to let them know that, while we cannot erase the events of the past, we are willing to forge the footprints of the future, side by side with them, breaking the silence of indifference to stand in their defense.

Join us on Facebook and join our march 2013!